Thursday, May 22, 2014

Learn Deep Web (Deepnet, Invisible Web,Hidden Web)

The Deep Web (also called the Deepnet, Invisible Web, or Hidden Web) is World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexed by standard search engines. It should not be confused with the dark Internet, the computers that can no longer be reached via the Internet, or with a Darknet distributed filesharing network, which could be classified as a smaller part of the Deep Web. Some prosecutors and government agencies think that the Deep Web is a haven for serious criminality.

Deep Web links

Browse deep web by downloading Dedicated browser

Learn Extensible Application Markup Language(XAML)

XAML stands for Extensible Application Markup Language. Its a simple language based on XML to create and initialize .NET objects with hierarchical relations. Altough it was originally invented for WPF it can by used to create any kind of object trees.

Today XAML is used to create user interfaces in WPF, Silverlight, declare workflows in WF and for electronic paper in the XPS standard.

All classes in WPF have parameterless constructors and make excessive usage of properties. That is done to make it perfectly fit for XML languages like XAML.

Learn XAML Online

XAML Examples

Learn Wordpress(Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS)

WordPress is a piece of software used inside blogs. It is open source, licensed under the GPL, and written in PHP.
WordPress allows users to create and edit websites from a central control panel, which includes a text editor for modifying content and menus to change various design elements.
Users can write posts into the software and other people reading the post can write comments about it.
Since the release of Wordpress version 3.0, the software had been downloaded more than 27 million times. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn Wordpress online

2026 A/L ICT Classes