Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"Facebook Depression"


The impact of social media on children, youth and families, calls "Facebook depression" is one of the risk factors that can affect young people with excessive exposure to social media. Facebook depression is a disorder that results from establishing a presence on social networking sites, spend a great deal of time on these sites and then feel accepted among peers online. Similar to a depression in the offline world due to lack of acceptance, Facebook depression is anxiety and withdrawal, as well as causing a tendency towards engaging in risky activities, such as drug abuse, unsafe sex or self-destructive behaviors.

The study found that the interaction between these teenagers have on social networking is on the rise log with 22% of teens on their favorite social networking sites more than 10 times a day. With 75% of teenagers owning mobile phones, the study says, "A large part of this generation's social and emotional development occurs while on the internet and on mobile phones." Along with Facebook depression, other risks of increased exposure to social media include cyber bullying, sexting and exposure to inappropriate content.

There are many things parents can do to limit these risks. Firstly, no children under the age of 13 on Facebook at all. When your children old enough to begin to create engaging more independent line, constant communication with them to know their online activity habits, setting to use a good example of how social media and setting ground rules are all ways to make the Internet safer to make.

Before you cancel unplug all computers in your home and your internet service, the study also highlights the benefits of social media interaction including, develop feelings of a teenager from the self, the expansion of online connections and opportunities for community involvement.

2026 A/L ICT Classes