Monday, June 9, 2014

Parallel Programming

A parallel programming model is a model for writing parallel programs which can be compiled and executed. The value of a programming model is usually judged on its generality: how well a range of different problems can be expressed and how well they execute on a range of different architectures. The implementation of a programming model can take several forms such as libraries invoked from traditional sequential languages, language extensions, or complete new execution models.
Consensus on a particular programming model is important as it enables software expressed within it to be transportable between different architectures. The von Neumann model has facilitated this with sequential architectures as it provides an efficient bridge between hardware and software, meaning that high-level languages can be efficiently compiled to it and it can be efficiently implemented in hardware.Continue Reading
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Read Parallel Programming online

Parallel Programming Books

Structured Parallel Programming: Patterns for Efficient Computation
Designing and Building Parallel Programs
Parallel Programming Using C++
An Introduction to Parallel Programming
Patterns for Parallel Programming

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