Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Scala (programming language)

Scala is an object-functional programming and scripting language for general software applications. Scala has full support for functional programming (including currying, pattern matching, algebraic data types, lazy evaluation, tail recursion, immutability, etc.) and a very strong statictype system. This allows programs written in Scala to be very concise and thus smaller in size than most general purpose programming languages. Many of Scala's design decisions were inspired by criticism over the shortcomings of Java.Continue Reading...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scala (programming language)Official Website

Scala (programming language)Tutorialhttp://www.tutorialspoint.com/scala/

Scala (programming language)Books
Programming in Scala By Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners
Beginning Scala By David Pollak
Scala Programming Language: Free Software Programmed in Scala, Lift, Simple Build Tool, Martin OderskyProgramming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects By Dean Wampler, Alex Payne

Scala Software Download Here

1 comment:

Padminiprwatech said...

You are doing a great job by sharing useful information about Apache Spark course. It is one of the post to read and improve my knowledge in Apache Spark.You can check our Why Scala Programming Language,for more information about Scala Programming Language Tutorial.

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